Thursday, May 11, 2006

Was that Arm-istice or Arms-race?

Hell yeah, let's just pump up the Russian military! Add them to the long list of countries fighting for the imaginary position of Supreme-World-Dominator. But I guess they have to prepare themselves for the onslaught of the future world powerhouse, China; and can't allow themselves to be pushed around early in the game by you know who.

Acording to Russian President Vladimir Putin,"new types of weaponry will allow us to maintain what is undoubtebly one of the most significant guarantees of world stability...the preservation of the balance of forces".

"The stronger our military is, the less temptation there will be to exert such pressure on us," Mr. Putin said.

Looks like our new Canadian government is moving in a similar direction... Perhaps with an interest in bringing peace to Darfur...but the outcome of building up arms will have the same effect it always has.

Here's a link to The Globe and Mail Article

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